Key features
Customise to fit any site
Age Gate has a number of settings to tailor the look and feel to your site. But if that isn’t giving you the results you want there is the option to add your own CSS from within the plugin.

SEO Friendly
Common bots and crawlers are omitted from age checks
Cache proof
With a vast amount of caching tools available, Age Gate has a JavaScript mode to stop infinite age checks on cached pages.

Restrict the content you want
Choose to restrict an entire site, or selected posts, pages or categories and set a custom age for each area.
Plays well with others
Age Gate works in conjunction with popular extensions such as Yoast and Woocommerce.

Whether you want to add fields to the Age Gate form, or test against previously stored user data, Age Gate utilises the WordPress hook system to allow a huge variety customisations and extensions.
More features in v3
Better taxonomy inheritance
Easier style customisation
Template override from your theme
Improved hooks
Call early to prevent content blips
Add attributes to form elements
Better performance
Multiple customisation options
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